The Master Gardeners of the Ozarks (MGO) may provide the availability of grant funds for gardening projects that support this mission statement:
“The Mission of the University of Missouri Extension Master Gardener volunteer program is to provide horticultural information and training to the gardening public based on proven research specific to the local climates, soils and plants.”
NOTE: At no time shall Master Gardener activities be associated with commercial activities or products.
Garden Grant Guidelines
Garden grant application requests must be submitted in writing by members of the Master Gardeners of the Ozarks (MGO) on the current official grant application form. The current form is available on the website at and it is available through the Stone County Extension Office at 417-357-6812. The grant application form must be received at the Stone County Extension Office by email or USPS by February 1 of the grant year.
The MGO Grant Committee will review all applications and make recommendations based on the strength of the application in supporting the MGO Mission. The grant application will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
- Relevance to the mission statement with emphasis on education and training
- Beautification and development of community gardens
- Feasibility of completing the project within the proposed timeline
- Water availability to implement and continually maintain the project scope
- Adequate active MG members to support the size of the project and maintain ongoing support
- A proposed project design with garden layouts and descriptions with detailed cost estimates
- A location that is either a non-profit or not-for-profit in either Stone or Taney county
Items that will NOT be considered for approval or accepted on the garden grant application include but not limited to the following criteria:
- Garden pots, baskets, raised beds or other containers
- Equipment such any power garden tools, rakes, shovels, hoses etc
- Labor expenses or delivery expenses
- Hardscape or infrastructure including rocks, steps, walls, roofs etc
The Grant Committee recommendations will be submitted to the MGO Executive Committee by the end of February and presented to the MGO membership for approval at the March meeting. The MGO Grant Committee chair or the current MGO President will provide each grant applicant feedback and grant acceptance status prior to the March MGO membership meeting.
The approved grant funds must be used by December 31 of the grant year and any monies not spent will be returned to the MGO Grant Fund account. Reimbursement for project approved items must have an invoice or receipt labeled with the garden project name and submitted to the MGO Treasurer. Missouri State sales taxes will not be reimbursed. Obtain a copy of the tax exempt status form from the Stone County Extension Office.
Grant Application Submission Process:
- Obtain the current official Grant Application form
- Type the form with black font only
If project leader has questions about their application, please contact the grant committee chairperson before submitting your application.
- Complete the application. Include additional pages of supporting documentation if necessary.
- Submit the Application to the Stone County Extension office: Phone # 417-357-6812.The application must be received by February 1 to be considered.
- Email application & digital photos to or
USPS application & photos to:
Stone County Extension Office
PO Box 345
Galena MO 65656
Grant Application Progress and Closure Requirements:
A verbal progress report must be presented by the project leader at the June and November MGO membership meetings.
- A final written grant closure report must be submitted to the Stone County Extension office by December 31 via email or USPS. The final grant closure report must include:
- An updated copy of this grant application form with actual project expenditures completed in table 4.
- Before and after photos of the project proposed area with accomplishments. Add an additional page to this report with photos and accomplishments. Save final file as a PDF before submission. File name should include the year and garden grant name. For Example: 2024 Faith Lutheran Church Final Garden Grant
Download, fill out and submit the Grant Application to apply.
MGO Garden Grant Application Form